Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Deeds not Creeds

The "Sons of Belial" caused the end of Atlantis through the abuse of genetically altered beings, war sciences and immorality, versus the children of the Law of One, so Cayce said. The Logos final cycle, in this 3rd 25000 year period, a period for self aware entities to choose separation or unity, and polarize toward that chosen extreme, to generate a collective voice or not, become of harvestable grade, or repeat the choice density elsewhere in the cosmos. We would have to have to deny our evolutionary coding for warfare, comfort, commerce, sacrifice, individuality, orthodoxy, apathy, discipline, doubt, change, etc., in order to become as One. Never mind the debate of pushing back evil. The increased catalyst of these days will likely increase the polarity of entities, service to self or to others. Still wouldn't it be grand if collectively man could turn toward deeds of unity and away from the divisions of our orthodoxies? The focus the grace of good deeds rather than of creeds, suggests that no matter what the belief of the person, what really qualifies the vibration of his/her soul is what the works have been, and what has been the intention. This is the easily discerned mark which distinquishes us.

1 comment:

  1. Still wouldn't it be grand if collectively man could turn toward deeds of unity and away from the divisions of our orthodoxies?

    Interestingly - even ironically - you completely overlook that the spread of capitalism is doing just that. Free trade brings with it the trade of new ideas and ideologies. The "golden age" of Greece, the early Roman Empire, and the spread of science and learning 2,000 years ago was brought about not by wishes, but by explorers seeking trading agreements with different countries.

    While some of us bemoan the McDonaldfication of smaller cultures, we can't overlook the fact that free and open countries spread their ideologies into closed and tyrannical countries - not the other way around. This is why the Middle East hates the US and UK - as more young people see the wealth created by trade and learning, those in power see their control slip away. Terrorism is simply one symptom of their reaction to those cultural changes.

    Something to think about the next time you bash those greedy capitalist pigs; they are doing more to unify people than you realize.
