Friday, March 6, 2009

The Hirom, Bloodied Red and Brimless Hat

There is a book written in 1882 called OAHSPE, Chapter 37 toward the end and book of Fragapatti chapter 38 has an interesting story about the origins of the scarlet and brimless hat, the Hirom. This book preserves the primary law of freewill, by partially veiling and partially unveiling mysteries of this world. The wearer is Faithful even unto Death, is thrown to the lions, but predicts that his bloodied hat will bring down the corrupted king, which proves to be the case. The book is written through a Freemason by automatic typewriter, so they say. Titled to sound as the wind through the trees, the massive book, calls itself " A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Ambassadors" is really something and can be had for cheap on amazon used. It is for the metaphysical seeker who accepts channeled material, and is capable of separating wheat from chaff.

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