Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Sacred Book of Law

As a practical matter of lodge work, it is typical to have the Holy Bible upon the altar, open to the proper page for the degree. It is explained to the candidate that the Bible is A Sacred Volume of Law, and that other sacred books are acceptable. On the altar at the Scottish Rite building in Washington are actual copies of at least 5 other sacred texts. I recently happily explained to a potential candidate that he is welcome to have the Bhagavad Gita upon the altar during his degrees as well as the Bible. It is, in my opinion, one of the great examples of the idea of a universal brotherhood of mankind.


  1. In my home lodge, we have a Christian Bible (not sure if it has the additional books of the Catholic Bible), a Jewish Bible and a Koran available at the Secretary's table, and we have Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Muslim members. Like all Masons, we could add the Mormon Bible, Bhagavad Gita, etc. When any brother is in our area, please visit!

  2. The Mystic is always present to the Man's Interpretations of the seemingly miraculous...Religous Doctrine provides a welcome guideline to the unenlightened masses.
    I have always marveled the question...not the answer.
